SMU PBC Campus Mediation Clinic

Suitability for Mediation with Us

Applicants must be from low income or disadvantaged groups.

Your case would be suitable for mediation with us if you:

  • Are a current SMU student or staff 
  • Are facing disagreements with other SMU students or colleagues 

After you make an application, the Clinic will inform you of the suitability of your case for mediation via email.


Frequently Asked Questions


Who are the mediators?

The SMU Pro Bono Centre Campus Mediation Clinic will arrange for a volunteer mediator and a student mediator to jointly facilitate discussions between the parties. The volunteer mediators are professional mediators accredited by the Singapore International Mediation Institute.


The student mediators are specially selected from current SMU Law students who have undergone a tailored training programme for campus mediation. Checks will be conducted to make sure that they do not have any conflicts of interest in the case.

What can I expect at the mediation session?

During the mediation session, the mediators will facilitate the discussion between both parties and encourage you to reach an amicable outcome.

Can I pick my mediators? How are they chosen?

You will not be able to choose your own mediators. The SMU Pro Bono Centre Campus Mediation Clinic will, to the best of our ability, choose the mediators best suited to assist with your case according to the subject matter and your preferred language of communication.

Can my friend attend the mediation with me?

Yes, your friend may attend the mediation session with you. You will have to inform us in advance and obtain the other party’s consent. Your friend must also agree to keep what is said during the session confidential.

What kind of disputes are eligible for the SMU Pro Bono Centre Campus Mediation Clinic?

Your dispute is eligible if it occurred on the SMU campus or relates to any school matters. Both parties to the dispute must be current students in SMU.

Can I refer my dispute to the SMU Pro Bono Centre Campus Mediation Clinic without the consent of the other party?

No, mediation is a voluntary process and it can only commence when all parties have agreed to it. However, you may contact us before getting the other party’s consent to discuss the suitability of your dispute for mediation.

Is the mediation free?

Yes, it is free of charge. You will not need to pay for the mediators’ fees, the venue rental fee, and the case management fee. These fees are all waived out of a pro bono spirit to give back to society.

Where will the mediation be held?

The mediation session will be conducted at the SMU Pro Bono Centre. You will be informed of the date and time of the mediation session.

How long is the mediation?

Typically, one mediation session may take around 2 to 3 hours. However, this varies depending on the progress of the session and the complexity of the dispute.

Is the mediation confidential?

Yes, the mediation is confidential. What is discussed in the mediation session between both parties and the mediators will be kept confidential according to the Mediation Act. Mediation is also “without prejudice”, meaning matters discussed and disclosed during the mediation process cannot be used against the other party in litigation or in arbitration.

Please note that an SMU Law student will be present to help with administrative issues during the session.

What will happen at the end of the mediation?

If the mediation is successful, a settlement agreement will be recorded in writing and signed by both parties. The terms of the agreement shall be followed by both parties.

For the avoidance of doubt, any agreement as a result of mediation between students will not have any binding effect on the school or SMU as they are not parties to the agreement.

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